Show #203 — Ethan Zuckerman, author of Rewire — posted

It is spring break here at Elon, which means that I can now post several new shows and some great new projects and affilitions. Thus, get ready for a flurry of Hearsay Culture activity, beginning with Show #203, February 5, my interview with Ethan Zuckerman, Director of the Center for Civic Media at MIT and author of Rewire: Digital Cosmopolitans in the Age of Connection. Rewire is a wonderful and insighful study of how people connect using the Internet and modern communication devices, and how information flows throughout this network. Ethan takes a clear-eyed view of the power and limitations of the technology and how we use it, offering a perspective influenced by his years as a communications scholar. I was thrilled to have Ethan on the show and enjoyed the interview!
