The True Vote Count: An Interview with Smartmatic’s Antonio Mugica

Antonio Mugica on Hearsay Culture. (c) 2021 Hearsay Culture.

As previously announced, Hearsay Culture has relaunched and kicked-off 2021 newsmaker Smartmatic CEO Antonio Mugica, show # 267. The show is now available below (click on link for browser listening, or download at “download” button):

As previously explained:

Smartmatic, which has counted billions of votes worldwide, has been at the center of President Trump’s unproven “stolen election” claims, and has been the subject of numerous allegations on 24-hour news outlets like Fox News and Newsmax. Smartmatic has now retained a leading defamation attorney to defend its reputation as a reliable, apolitical election technology provider. The company has found itself enmeshed in a Constitutional crisis that has been threatening the United States’ ability to conduct a peaceful transfer of power in less than two weeks. Hearsay Culture speaks to Mugica about the crisis, the integrity of the company’s technology, the future of voting, and other subjects top of mind with Americans today.

On the show, Mugica addresses what he calls the “completely false claims made about our company” that have been “amplified in the media” recently. Host Dave Levine asks Mugica about his views on transparency in voting, the recent violent occupation of Congress, circulating misinformation campaigns, and his current lawsuit against the government of Venezuela. On a personal note, Mugica discusses his favorite recent book and offers advice to younger listeners who may be experiencing an election for the first time. The result is an insightful, newsmaker interview that sheds light on the heart of the democratic voting process.

Enjoy listening to this breaking news interview, and stay tuned for more new shows in the coming weeks! [Note, shows #263-267, that aired on KZSU in 2020 but were not posted, will be available here in the coming week].


A note from me to my new law students

I am relaunching an expanded Hearsay Culture in 2021, and I’m super-excited about it. This year, however, has obviously started terribly. Aside from our out-of-control preventable pandemic, Wednesday’s events in Washington were devastating.

As you likely know, I’m a law professor at Elon University School of Law. While the violence was unfolding in DC, I felt compelled to email my 81 first-year law students, whom I met this past Monday, and will teach via Zoom as we began our study of Contracts.

I thought that some of you might be interested in an excerpt from my message:

At this hour, our country faces a violent crisis that we have not experienced since the end of the Civil War. We should all be horrified by these actions, regardless of political affiliation, as they go against our collective values as Americans, including the rule of law. 

As I’ve already said, the courts are the bulwark against chaos. . . . I encourage you to view today’s ongoing events in and around our Congressional buildings as the starkest illustration of the need for people willing to take on the sacred responsibility of promoting the rule of law. Although I cannot predict future events, I can assure you that attorneys and a functioning judiciary are the necessary prerequisites for restoring our country. The United States and all who look to the US for enlightened world leadership need you now, more than any time in living memory.

I am honored and privileged to help you achieve your noble goal of joining my chosen profession. See you on Zoom on Friday. Be safe and well, and be resolved.

I will see my students tomorrow, and may follow-up with their reactions. Meanwhile, thoughts on the above can be emailed to me at
