Is Everything A Game? The Role of Gamification in Society

An Interview with Profs. Kevin Werbach and Dan Hunter, authors of For The Win: The Power of Gamification and Game Thinking in Business, Education, Government, and Social Impact

Friday, February 26, 2021 at 8pm pacific on KZSU

Should life – and business – be turned into a game? This question highlights this week’s discussion on Hearsay Culture. As games present a great attraction to trainers, and business marketers, do we really want games to infiltrate so many aspects of our world? If not (and we don’t), then where do they work? What are the guardrails, if any, for governments, businesses, and other institutions to engage in gamification?

On this week’s show, Dave takes a close look at these questions with two leading thinkers in this space. The authors lay out the practical and theoretical underpinnings for and concerns about inserting games into a range of activities, from Uber’s disturbing efforts to promising health and medical uses. What kind of gamer are the authors, and what kind of gamer do we want games to reward?

Exploring the notion that “fun” is at gamification’s center, Hearsay Culture digs deep to bring expert viewpoints into plain speak for the rest of us to understand. Tune in tonight at 8pm pacific on KZSU to hear about a step-by-step practical guide to gamification. Reach out if you have comments at!


Holography: How It Might Change Your Life

A Conversation with Visby founder Kris Chaisanguanthum, Friday, February 12 @ 8pm pacific on KZSU

(c) Kari Orvik Tintype Studio

On tonight’s show, Visby CEO Kris Chaisanguanthum calls holography “the next step in the evolution of image quality.” Holography will dramatically affect everything from business, education, and politics, to movies, concerts, and sports broadcasts. Imagine a 3-D object in front of you instead of a flat computer screen; Kris argues that this is the future of displays and why his company is among its pioneers. The building blocks of this revolution are being developed now, but will holography dominate later this decade? If so, how will the public have any say in its deployment?

Building on the last 20 years of rapid computer technology advances, holography is the next frontier of consumer device displays that imparts new meaning to the term “virtual.” In the interview, Kris explains why new computer and smart phone user interface features will change the way devices and communications work, and whether private companies can handle this monumental responsibility. Tune in for a fascinating discussion about one of the most cutting edge innovations of our time—as well as some personal insights on the journey and how to enter this exciting new field.



A Broadcast StartUp Story – From Creation to Acquisition

As the world reels from the consequences of the Coronavirus, Hearsay Culture is returning to the air this week! With its 10+ year heritage of pioneering law and technology radio and podcasting, Hearsay Culture is back to help guide our new communications ecosystem with expanded and timely expert interviews. 

We kick off a new season with author and innovator Andre Gueziec. Inspired by wondering how television traffic reports could be improved, Andre founded Beat the Traffic, a dynamic visualization software for broadcasters that was quickly adopted by television stations and soon after acquired by The Weather Network (Pelmorex Corporation).

In this episode, Dave chats with Gueziec, an inventor with 50 patents, about his book You can be a Silicon Valley Success. During the interview, we examine the founder’s innovation journey and explore global digital technology and culture. Among topics discussed are Gueziac’s view on innovating in a dynamic environment and tips for success, the challenges of finding a great idea, and how Covid-19 may change the landscape for innovators going forward. 

Dave is an associate professor at Elon University School of Law and an Affiliate Scholar at Stanford Center for Internet and Society. A KZSU (Stanford Radio) thirteen year veteran, he conducts intimate expert-to-expert conversations focusing on the art of the question

Listen to the interview on Friday, April 24 at 8pm Pacific on KZSU-FM. The show will be subsequently available via, the Stanford Center for Internet and Society page, and in your favorite podcast application.

Lastly, stay tuned for more information about Hearsay Culture’s plans for the future, building on its 260+ interview legacy and influence (starting in May 2006) in the world of communications, law, intellectual property, cybersecurity, privacy, and technology!
